66-68 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe, IP11 7AJ


 Felixstowe is situated approximately 15 miles south east of Ipswich with a population of just under 25,000.  Felixstowe Port is one of the largest container ports in the country and the town has excellent road communications via the A14 linking into the A12 and the national motorway network.

 The property occupies a central trading location on Hamilton Road which is the prime shopping destination in Felixstowe.

The property is adjacent to WHSmith and Vodafone and in the immediate vicinity are many other multiple retailers including Costa, Superdrug, Clintons, Clarks, Boots and Santander and Halifax banks and Nationwide Building Society.



 The property is arranged on ground and first and second floors with the following approximate areas:-


Ground Floor:
  Sales1,734 sq ft161.1 sq m
First Floor:
  Ancillary/Staff318 sq ft29.5 sq m
Second Floor:
  Storage393 sq ft36.5 sq m
Basement428 sq ft39.7 sq m
Total2,873 sq ft266.8 sq m



 The property is being offered by way of a new full repairing and insuring lease on a length of term to be agreed at a commencing rental of £35,000 pax.



 We understand from the Valuation Office Agency website that the property has a rating assessment of £48,500 with effect from 1 April 2017.  Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries.



 Further details are available upon request.



 Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction.




Goad Digital Plans are for identification only and not to be scaled as a working drawing and are based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 39954X. No part of this plan may be entered into an electronic retrieval system without prior consent of the publisher. Experian, Goad House, Salisbury Square, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL9 5BJ. Tel: 01707 636901 Fax: 01707 636907.

Francis Darrah for themselves and as Agents for the proposed Vendor(s) or Lessor(s) give notice: 1. That they do not make or give either in these particulars or in negotiations or otherwise any warranty or representation whatever in relation to the property. 2. Any plan attached to these particulars is for identification purposes only and all measurements are given as a guide and no liability can be accepted for errors arising therefrom. 3. The property being open to inspection any intended purchaser must satisfy himself as to the accuracy of these particulars and he will be deemed to have full knowledge thereof. 4. No liability can be accepted for any misstatement, omission or errors in these particulars. 5. These particulars do not constitute an offer or Contract or any part thereof.


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