22 Smallgate, Beccles, NR34 9AD


Beccles is a thriving Suffolk market town with a population of approximately 10,000.  It is situated on the A146 trunk road approximately 18 miles south east of Norwich and 8 miles west of Lowestoft.  It is linked to Great Yarmouth and Diss via the A143.


The ground floor shop unit is prominently located in the town centre on Smallgate directly opposite New Look and Manor House Lane which links to the Tesco Superstore and the main town car park with approx. 400 spaces.


Nearby retailers include Tesco, Fat Face, Holland & Barrett, Tool Station, Snap Fitness and Angling Direct.



Previously part of the Beales Department Store, refurbishment works have been undertaken by the owners to create three new ground floor units.  22 Smallgate comprises the following approximate floor area:-

Ground Floor    1,957.1 sq ft    118.8 sq m



The property is offered by way of a new effectively full repairing and insuring lease, on a length of term to be agreed, at a rent of £22,500 pax (+ VAT if applicable), subject to periodic upward only rent reviews.



The property has an established Class E (Retail) use but is considered suitable for a range of other commercial and residential uses, subject to planning. Interested parties should make their own investigations of East Suffolk Council on 01502 523100.



To be reassessed.



Details are available upon request.



Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction.




Goad Digital Plans are for identification only and not to be scaled as a working drawing and are based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 39954X. No part of this plan may be entered into an electronic retrieval system without prior consent of the publisher. Experian, Goad House, Salisbury Square, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL9 5BJ. Tel: 01707 636901 Fax: 01707 636907.

Francis Darrah for themselves and as Agents for the proposed Vendor(s) or Lessor(s) give notice: 1. That they do not make or give either in these particulars or in negotiations or otherwise any warranty or representation whatever in relation to the property. 2. Any plan attached to these particulars is for identification purposes only and all measurements are given as a guide and no liability can be accepted for errors arising therefrom. 3. The property being open to inspection any intended purchaser must satisfy himself as to the accuracy of these particulars and he will be deemed to have full knowledge thereof. 4. No liability can be accepted for any misstatement, omission or errors in these particulars. 5. These particulars do not constitute an offer or Contract or any part thereof.


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